Thursday, July 26, 2012

It's been a long journey this week.  I've changed my mind several times on the topic of my project.

I've finally decided that the best use of my learning from this week is to spend my time enhancing my team website for the Travelers.  I turned off public access and will return with a killer website in time for the last class on august 16 th.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Google Gadgets will enhance the team website to disseminate information to improve communication with parents!

The added Gadget for an email subscription will facilitate just that!

Matt at work!

Teaching us blogger!

I find all the tools really cool but remembering how to use them and all the procedures challenging!
This is a practice blog in conjunction with the google tools for schools.

I noticed that there are many useful tutorials on this website to get me started in a specific area of Google.